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专业铸造振动筛 各种型号滚筒筛沙机煤矸石砂石圆筒筛

2019/12/29 0:14:32发布140次查看

专业铸造振动筛 各种型号滚筒筛沙机煤矸石砂石圆筒筛
专业铸造振动筛 各种型号滚筒筛沙机煤矸石砂石圆筒筛工作原理及性能:
滚筒筛分机工作时电动机经减速机与滚筒装置通过联轴器连接在一起,驱动滚筒装置绕其轴线转动。当物料进入滚筒装置后,由于滚筒装置的倾斜与转动,使筛面上的物料翻转与滚动,使合格物料经滚筒外圆的筛网排出,不合格的物料经滚筒末端排出。由于物料在滚筒内的翻转、滚动,使卡在筛孔中的物料可被弹出,可防止筛孔堵塞。专业铸造振动筛 各种型号滚筒筛沙机煤矸石砂石圆筒筛
various types of professional casting drum shaker sieve sand gravel gangue cylindrical screen drum sieve mainly used for mining, coal, electricity, chemical industry construction, grading of gangue material, desliming, while coarse particles of material can also dehydration operation, with the upgrading of the trommel, is now widely used in mining seaside demultiplexing early work job gold sand, but also with the trough drum washing machine or a washing machine containing a high clay content, viscosity and shaly sand relatively large effective screening work loose with various types of professional casting drum shaker sieve sand gravel gangue cylindrical screen principle and performance: the drum sieving operation of the motor through a reduction roll device and connected together by coupling the drive roller means rotatable about its axis. when the material into the drum means, the inclination and the rotation of the drum means, so that the screen surface inversion and rolling material, so that the acceptable material discharged through the outer screen cylinder, conforming material discharged through the cylinder end. as the material within the drum reversing, rolling the material in the mesh of the card can be ejected to prevent clogging of the sieve. professional casting various types of vibrating screen drum sieve sand gravel coal gangue cylindrical screen

qq: 769672269


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